Friday, October 19, 2007

"let the praises ring..."

"When worship songs can only be sung by the talented, it becomes closer to entertainment than corporate worship. And only those who 'make the cut' are allowed to participate in the ministry of leading songs. A ministry that belongs in the hands of all God's people."

So how does that quote strike you? It’s from a book that doesn’t necessarily qualify as “the gospel” on the subject of church… but it sure does provoke some thought. One of our design team members offered it up as a catalyst, and went on to share from his personal experience:

“I have wrestled for over 20 years with my own perfectionism in music and life. I freely admit I have often concentrated so much on the execution of the music that I have forgotten the mission of music in worship. So here's what I want to say:

IT'S ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE SINGING not us being heard. With our sound systems, mics, drums, blazing guitars, lights, camera and action...that mission can be obscured at times. Let us be reminded that the PEOPLE must be heard and IT'S NOT ABOUT us. I think you all know this quite well; however, I just got reminded AGAIN.”

Kind of cool when the design team member offering up that kind of clear insight happens to be at the helm of this particular ship. Thanks for the good word, John.


Last week one of our weekend design team members sent us this link to (believe it or not) one of the churches in Rochester. They were promoting a new message series, and their purpose was to draw people in by offering teaching on a very relevant topic. (relevant is an understatement) Needless to say – it sparked an energetic exchange among our design team members. :-)

Here are a few of their comments:
"I wonder about this type of "marketing"?? Is it necessary or truly does it actually win people to Christ? Is the Sunday morning environment the place for a straight forward discussion on the topic? Are you ready for a church that actually presents relevant everyday topics about life? Is this type "posturing" the best tact to take? Does the gospel need gimmicks?"

One of our worship leaders had some particularly insightful thoughts. Here's what Marli wrote:

"I am not sure how I feel about any of the "church" approaches to bringing people into God's house, but I have lots of questions. I know that we have to either get them to church or meet them where they live or they may never know Him. I know that once we are given the opportunity to share with them it must be real, blessed and coming straight from God's word. Therefore, the Gospel absolutely, does not need gimmicks. It is real, true and stands on its own. The Bible contains all of the answers to today's questions but people need to know this.

How do we bring people to a place where they want to hear it? What of the people out there that don't believe in God or don't feel "God" is relevant in their lives? Those that don't have a need for Him, or think Jesus is only for the weak? Why would they go to church if they are not looking for anything?

Then if people come to church, where will they have the opportunity to hear the "everyday" things that they can relate to if they are not done in a service? The Bible covers all that we need to live a life that strives to be more like Jesus. It seems that biblical ways to live in today's society could help people start that journey the minute they walk out the door. I feel pretty sure in saying that there are many people that have never gone to the Sunday school class, which is where you might typically get deeper into the "straight forward" stuff. I am also comfortable saying that the typical "off the street, don't know God, first time church go'er" probably won't be going to the Sunday school class either.

Main Entry: mar·ket·ingFunction: noun1 a : the act or process of selling or purchasing in a market b : the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service 2 : an aggregate of functions involved in moving goods from producer to consumer

By definition, I don't think "marketing" will bring anyone to God. I believe marketing is used as a tool to make people curious, bring attention to or even shock or make uncomfortable. A lot like the Gospel can do when or if read or spoken. Key words being "when or if." And effective marketing that speaks the truth is a way to bring people in the doors. As is the "word of mouth." After they are there is what, in my opinion, either justifies the marketing or can potentially push people away even further. The church needs to "walk the walk" and back up the marketing with real substance and God's truth in order to even consider marketing of this type.

Relevancy... After hundreds and hundreds of hours of conversation regarding sex with young people, etc… I am looked at as if I have two heads and they see my convictions based on the bible as "too conservative," "unrealistic," "not in the real world"... I have to admit, I would love to be able to have them "get it" somehow. I know we are not to live "in" the world but we do live here. And there are lots of people who aren't going to get it unless we speak of the struggles we have today, how there were similar situations in the bible, how they were handled and explain through these illustrations how our God was, is, and will always be for us and with us.

I think it all comes down to this:
1. A church needs to teach and live the truth from God's word. Keep It Real.
2. Once that is real, there are so many out there that need to be witnessed to and will all be drawn to Him in different ways. So there is a place for many types of style churches.
3. To me, the next step is determining what type of church has God lead each church to be. What is the Win?

And finally, one more comment from someone who actually attended the service advertized above:

"I thought it was a totally cool way to get people to come to church. I think if the church is going to be relevant and risky – COOL. It’s a bonus. It’s not… “the way.” But it adds to it. The thing is with that…. I drove an hour in the car there and back to hear what was advertised as a really cool relevant thing. But. …Ya gotta be able to live up to your advertising."

Regardless of where you land on the "marketing of religion" debate - it was a great catalyst for thought and discussion. Got an opinion? I'll bet you do.

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"the word according to angie"
Our worship leaders pour their whole heart and soul into creating arrangements, confirming players, rehearsing their teams and finally leading us all in worship each weekend. But that’s not the whole story, because they also try to get their own minds on track, along with those on their team – to have a clear picture of what it means to “lead worship.” Some weeks ago Angie did this by “translating” a couple of passages of scripture as a devotional for the team. I thought it was a wonderfully fresh way to read these stories and interact with Scripture. See what you think:
Writes Angie…
“Here's something to think about..what does the line (in one of their worship songs) "Oh, God of Jacob" mean anyway? I've been looking it up...on Hebrew sights mostly. It made me think about what we're doing...leading people in worship. As I read, I kinda' felt like Moses... (Italicized stuff -Angie's thoughts)
Exodus 3:13-15
(v 13) "Moses said to God, 'Suppose I go to the Israelites
(people at Crosswinds)
and say to them
(in effect just by standing on the stage),
'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?'
(what's God really like? Does another religion know Him too?)
Then what shall I say?'
(Who am I to get up in front and say anything about YOU?)
(v 14) God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM.
(I AM is all that they need and more!)
This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.'
(could it be that this isn't just a bunch of good musicians/speakers sharing our talents--but that we've been called, that it's God's plan pre-ordained for this coming weekend that WE share what He's like to people who have hearts ready to listen...and to the ones who are skeptical?)
(v15) God also said to Moses, 'Say to the Israelites, 'The LORD, the God of your fathers-the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob
(same God, experienced differently and worshiped differently, personally by these guys)
has sent me to you.' This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation."
(It's our job to cause people to remember who God is, and why they've come to look for Him)
Isaiah 2:3
"And many peoples will come and say, 'Come, let us go up to the mountain
(a higher place than my daily thoughts allow me to go)
of the LORD, To the house
(welcome, warm place, family)
of the God
(I AM!)
of Jacob
(that stealer, liar, fearful, fighting, stubborn guy)
That He
may teach us
(no matter what OUR faults are-I'm focusing on my big mouth today...)
concerning His ways And that we may
(have the chance to be enlightened, empowered, enabled to)
walk in His paths.' For the law
(God's way to do life)
will go forth from Zion
(God's safe place, peace)
And the word of the LORD
(awesome, reverenced, almighty God)
from Jerusalem."
Bottom line - you can do one of two things:
1. let this passage inspire you about what it means to lead worship, and reflect on the character of the One who is worthy of our worship
2. try out this method of interacting with scripture by taking a passage, phrase by phrase, and and responding or rewording it in terms that help you understand it's meaning more clearly.
have fun!

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living stones

This fall we have been taking some exciting steps as a church family—growing, building and becoming who God has called us to be. The set design in the ministry center is a visual depiction of 1 Peter 2:5, which says, “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house…” We are those “living stones” carefully chosen, prepared and placed alongside each other at Crosswinds. The three flowing, translucent panels remind us of our triune God— Father, Son and Holy Spirit— constantly at work in us and through us. Take time in the next few weeks to give thanks to our God for building THIS “spiritual house” with “living stones” right before our eyes.